Institute for Indigenous
America Studies


304-212-2362 Ext: 3


School of Ancient Wisdom & Healing arts

School of Ancient Wisdom & Healing arts

The School of Ancient Wisdom & Healing Arts offers training in Ancestral concepts of Indigenous Consciousness and Indigenous Healing Arts.

Indigenous Ministry of the Soul Program is 2 years.
This program is for people who would like to become ministers of indigenous consciousness using Earth principles as their ministry and counseling therapy.

Indigenous fundamentals is prerequisites for The Indigenous Fundamentals Teacher Certification Programs and The Indigenous Minister of the Soul Program .

School of Ancient Wisdom course descriptions


Course Description

Indigenous Fundamentals I

Intro to Life Concepts

Introduction to basics planetary life function and purposes. A student will learn the working of Nature and the basic laws that govern the cycles. This course is a prerequisite for Indigenous Fundamentals Teacher Certification and Indigenous Minister of the Soul and Indigenous Life Counselor Program.

Indigenous Fundamentals II

Concepts of Social biology 

Introduction to how planetary life function and implements it purpose thru social behavior. A student will learn the how the laws of nature are implemented thru collective interaction.

School of Ancient Wisdom Workshops


Workshop Description

The Sacred Feminine 

A series of courses, workshops designed to help Indigenous females to breakthrough colonial mental conditioning and connect with their female nature with the Earth and femaleness.

Exploring the Way Females Think

How are females wired? Why we l think/ live like men in female bodies?

The Joy of Being Female 

Finding , recognizing and experiencing the joy of being female, embracing the joy life gives for just being you.


Examining our relationships and how they are used to blackmail us into accepting the repression of JOY life has for us.

School of Healing Arts course descriptions


Course Description

New Indigenous Massage Therapy 

Introduction to the Anatomy of the Body, and How Body Systems Operate

How to Interpret Energy Vibrations

Basic Massage Modalities


School of Healing Arts Workshops


Workshop Description

Introduction to Harmonic Medicine and Indigenous Sound Healing

Harmonic medicine links ancient sciences and arts with 21st century healing methods and tools. This holistic modality uses sound and vibration to heal the body, mind and spirit.Sound healing seeks to harmonize and balance the cellular body, psyche, and soul and to reconnect the individual with the natural rhythms, pulses, cycles, and flows of our worlds, bridging, balancing, and harmonizing the inner and outer universes.